Huh, Self-Care?!

Are you single and feeling overwhelmed with school or work? Married with children and finding it hard to get some “me” time? Or, a single parent feeling like you have no help and need a break? If your life falls into one of those categories, you just may be in need of a little self-care. Self-care is necessary, deliberate and self-initiated by you.
That’s right, by YOU.
It starts with you taking control of you and saying that in order for me to excel in school and at work; in order to be the best wife and mother to my family; and even the best child, sibling or friend, I must first make sure that I’m doing the things that make my life happy and my heart smile. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”
After becoming a mother, self-care never crossed my mind. Taking time for me never dawned on me after my baby. It was literally all about her. I found myself catering to all of her needs and neglecting mine. There would be days that I didn’t get a shower or had anything to eat. Before motherhood, I went to the gym about 3 times a week. After motherhood, working out became non-existent and I wondered why I wasn’t happy with my body.
My daughter is now 2 ½ and I finally feel like I’ve gotten my life back. I’m a single mother so it can be hard doing some of the things that I used to do. However, in order to be the best woman to myself and mother to her, I needed to re-gain control of my life. I became intentional with at least doing a little exercise around the house with what I had. Sitting and having quiet time is my self-care. Driving to Kroger or Target, alone, is my self-care. What’s yours? If you’re unsure, below are a few self-care tips to help you get started.
Try A New Mask – Your face will love you. There are so many options out there to choose from like cream masks, clay/mud masks or sheet masks. I prefer a mask with honey in it because it’s great for acne and has amazing moisturizing properties.
Take A Bubble Bath – It’s nothing like relaxing in a full tub of warm water with some music and a glass of wine. Try your favorite bubble bath brand and add some fresh rose petals. You will be in heaven. Milk baths are a great option as well.
Read A New Book – Reading is so soothing and stimulates your mind. I prefer a good motivational book but a magazine, a novel or even the newspaper would be a good read. Or, listen to a podcast.
I hope I’ve been able to assist you on your self-care journey. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you later.
Sources:Thumbnail & Header Photo - Pinterest